An exciting event for all to see. Visible from The Woodlands Mall and Waterway it's always a trill for both young and old...Estimated time to start is 9:20 p.m. with an intense 23-minute show. Fireworks will shoot off of the intersection of Timberloch and Woodloch Forest Drive, the parking garage of Waterway Building I & II (located at 10001 Woodloch Forest Drive ), and the Anadarko Parking Garage. Streets and waterway will be shut down at 8:45 p.m. for safety reasons, and will re-open after the show. Free Event.
Photo Tips:
1. Scout locations before hand and get there early to ensure you get a good spot.
2. A tripod, a remote shutter release and a camera with manual settings are almost a must. (suggested settings are 400asa at f8 with 3 to 8 second shutter openings) this should do well with a film camera, with digital cameras you have the bonus of instant previews so you can adjust your settings as needed.
3. Watch the rhythm of the show and then you can begin to anticipate the action. Open your shutter about a half second before the next volley close it and reset in the middle. do this over an over again. Remember film is cheap, opportunities are not and with digital it’s basically free…
4. Remember, this is a fun event to just sit back and watch as well. Don’t forget to enjoy the show with your family.
Photo above from Christmas celebration at The Plaza in Kansas City, Missouri.
Inquisitive Minds want 2 Kno has left a new comment on your post "Fire Works in The Woodlands Texas":
This year's red hot and blue festival fireworks will be launched from a location closer to I45 than years past. I would consider that a better location for viewing and picture taking might be from the east side of I45 ( Oak Ridge North ).